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Anmerkung: Diese Seite existiert nur in Englisch.


This is the key signing policy for the keys 0x3D8C222D and 0xC97A0654.

      pub   1024D/3D8C222D 2005-06-21
      Key fingerprint = 0235 E6E2 5FD6 2BD6 F2F4  448A 716D 4413 3D8C 222D
      uid                  Benedikt Trefzer 
      sub   2048g/1F291DA7 2005-06-21
You can get the key from a keyserver, e.g. http://wwwkeys.pgp.net

      pub   1024D/C97A0654 2005-06-21
            Key fingerprint = 13C7 6C9E 0B20 B585 D605  D879 56D5 293E C97A 0654
	    uid                  Benedikt Trefzer 
	    sub   2048g/BFF30A2E 2005-06-21
You can get the key from a keyserver, e.g. http://wwwkeys.pgp.net

Signing policy

If you find a PGP-Key signed by me with this Key-ID, the following rules apply:
  • I trust the signed key enough for email communication.
  • I checked the key and signed it with the following (GPG-)Level:
    • Level 1, 2 or no level:
      • I met the owner personaly
      • I verified some official documents belonging to him/her (eg passport, drivers licence)
    • Level 3:
      • I met the owner personaly
      • I verified some official documents belonging to him/her (eg passport, drivers licence)
      • I personaly trust this person because I know her/him very well or for a long time.
      • Not many keys are signed with Level 3 :))


Statistic and pathfinder for the two keys:
by Henk P. Penning by Henk P. Penning